Murder Abroad by Ruby Riverton

Murder Abroad by Ruby Riverton

Author:Ruby Riverton
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: BookMarks

Chapter 4

Dinner is divine. Absolutely divine. There is no other word for the experience. Though most of the dishes I couldn’t begin to tell you what they were, they were most pleasing to the palate nonetheless.

It’s been a lovely evening. Henri is a wonderful conversationalist. And he certainty has led an adventurous life. “So, as you can well imagine, we could not get the ostrich home, so we had to leave it there!”

We all break up into laughter at this, the end of his tale about some hunt in Africa where he’d befriended an ostrich that rather thought itself a dog and had become fervently enamoured with Henri’s French cooking over the firepit while on safari.

Esme even snorts while laughing. “Oh Henri, I must say, you are as entertaining as they come!” She sits back, stretching herself out after dessert, laying her spoon down next to her plate. “But it is getting on now. Perhaps we should be calling it an evening.”

“Must we, so soon?” Henri sweeps in, capturing her hand in his own. She stares down at it. As do I.

“What do you say to an evening stroll along the rue de Rivoli in the night air?” Sterling suggests, desperate not to part with my company so soon.

Though I’d like that, I do not seek to put pressure on my friend, whose facial expressions suggest she might like to escape. And I can’t possibly allow her to go up to our rooms all alone.

“Better still, how about a promenade through the rooftop gardens, the balcony above, on the seventh floor?” Henri suggests. “I’ve only been dying to see them.”

“I think that sounds grand.” Esme smiles back, dropping her serviette in her lap, surprising all of us.

Well … if she’s sure…

I grin over at Sterling.

“In that case, if you’d do me the honor.” Henri rises from his chair, offering an arm to Esme.

“Come along, Sterling. We can’t let them get ahead of us.” I spring from my position, awaiting his arm.

“My goodness, I’ve never seen you quite so eager to do anything.”

“Yes, well… time is of the essence this evening, isn’t it?” I smile. “Besides, I’m not sure we should leave them alone.” I look after Esme and Henri, who’ve already disappeared out the mouth of the restaurant, strolling off arm in arm toward the lift and the seventh floor.

Sterling scowls at me sternly as he rises and takes my arm.

“Well, he is French,” I protest.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sterling frowns.

“I’m not sure.” I check after them again. “I just heard somewhere it’s risky.”

Sterling laughs. “Trust me, I’ve seen Esme in action. She can hold her own. After what happened back in Niagara, I wouldn’t challenge either of you.” He leans closer. “Henri better watch it, or he might find himself dangling over an escarpment somewhere.”

“Oh you…” I tap his chest.


“Why, would you look at that,” Henri comments, standing on top of the hotel, Sterling and I following closely behind out through the glass windowed doors and onto the large walkway, gardens, and balcony.


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